Fair Practice

  To promote trustworthy practices by assessing the minimum value in relation to loan applicants.

  To increase transparency, so that the loan applicants can get a better understanding of the expected expectations from the services.

  To maintain a strategic and courteous relationship with the loan applicants and the company.

Relation and announcements

  By meeting the commitments and standards for our prescribed financial products and services, and for our procedures and practices being processed by our Commodities, given in this Utilized Code of Practices.

  Regarding financial transactions, by providing accurate and timely disclosure of rules and regulations, costs, rights and liabilities. We will help the loan applicant to understand how our financial products and services work.

  If they are still not satisfied with our help, by giving information about how to forward their information to our loan applicants

Loan application and processing

  We will collect all the necessary documents to verify the KYC norms in relation to borrowers.

  Before applying the loan application, we will provide all necessary details of the loan product with the rules and regulations. Product descriptions and rules and will be prominently displayed on our website and in the premises. The loan application will have the necessary documents to get the loan

Loan Assessments and Rules

The loan agreement will include the following details:

  The interest rate will be calculated on weekly basis, the primary resource charge will not exceed the limits set by the RBI and the insurance premium will apply to cover the life of the family and spouse.

  We will determine that the borrower should not be a member of more than one JLG.

  We will not penalize any borrower for any delayed payment / payment fee and will not guarantee any security deposit / profit.

  We will guarantee the confidentiality of information of the borrower's department, without the intervention of lenders, gold lenders or licensors, regulatory, government institutions, call rating agencies and such organizations which are working in this area.

Loan Disbursement

  We will inform to the borrower in the local language for any change in rules and regulations such as delivery timetables, interest rates, service charges, pre-payment charges. We will effect such changes in a modest manner.

  We will arrange distribution of all the loans in education and this ceremony will be more than one official. We will closely monitor the distribution function through our senior officials through random checks.

We will issue the following loan card with the following information:

  Identification of borrower and relevant information.

  All the editions of the two cards will be in the local language.

  Annual Interest rate and all charges, if any.

  Main terms and condition of loan.

  Our acceptance about first repayment, last repayment including Pre-payments.
